Brain & Nervous System
May: Mental Health Month
Scientific studies have found that social isolation and loneliness leave people at risk for an array of mental conditions, including cognitive decline, anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. The elderly segment of the population who often find themselves...
Responsibility is Key
Have you ever doubted yourself? Are you struggling with your business or in your personal life? Well lets focus on what we are responsible for in our lives that can help us change our life. Learn More
Move for Minds Alzheimer’s Movement
What is Move for Minds and how they are raising alzheimer's awareness. Learn More Home Care Assistance Panel why they are helping and how this is changing many lives. Professionals and people who care are always needed to start a movement. Learn More Home Care...
Revolutionary New Treatment for Reading Problems Eye Doctor Chris Teichmiller explains a revolutionary new treatment for reading problems. The new ChromaGen lenses have helped many people already including a teacher and her student. This is a testimony of...
Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration is the number one cause of legal blindness in people 55 and older. The risk of Macular Degeneration significantly increases with age. In fact, people between the ages of 64 to 74 have a one–in-four chance of developing the disease.Macular...
Heart Disease Roy Williams of Trivaren
Blue Light The dangers of blue light with Mary Tompson of Innovative Eyecare