Skin Care Facts You Should Know (Part 2)

Fact: Popping pimples is not always bad We all know that popping a pimple can be bad. Especially popping zits that aren’t ready, because the trauma of this to your skin can lead to scarring, red marks or hyperpigmentation. There is also a ‘danger...

How to Eat 12 pounds of Food and Lose Weight

Imagine eating 12 pounds of food a day and staying thin and healthy. That is exactly what hunter-gather ate for millennia without any obesity or chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer or dementia.Today, I wouldn’t advise anyone to eat 12 pounds of food...

Moroccan spiced corn couscous – low fodmap

Gluten free couscous made from corn! It is available in the Free From Sections of most large supermarkets and can be purchased online. This dish complements the Moroccan Salmon dish perfectly. The spices have been developed by two dietitians who run Fodify Foods – see...

Get These Toxins Out of Your House

“Dr. Hyman, I recently read how endocrine disruptors like environmental toxins can interfere with your hormones,” writes this week’s house call. “I’m really freaked out. I feel like my house is full of toxins. How can I minimize their impact?” Unfortunately, today...
Salmon Salad Wraps

Salmon Salad Wraps

When you trade a less nutritious food for a higher-quality food without losing the personality of the dish, I call it a “swap.” In this recipe, swap that blood sugar–spiking tortilla for crisp butter lettuce to enjoy a low-glycemic meal that satisfies both your taste...

My Favorite 5 Superfoods Belong in YOUR Diet

“Dr. Hyman, you often talk about superfoods and their benefits,” writes this week’s house call. “Can you share some of your favorites?” I realize “superfood” carries a certain hype, but some foods do earn that status. Food is medicine. And some foods are more powerful...

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